
After using the Skywatcher Star-Adventurer for a while I really had the concept of star-hopping, weight limitation etc. figured out.
Not for me.
As I did like the Skywatcher mount, and for a reason I still have problem understanding I was very modest in my selection of my next mount.

Modest or not, the EQM-35 is very light weight and has a load capacity of around 10kg. So it was easy to carry from the basement and into the backyard.
The Synscan hand controller was the first I used and as such I could only be happy with the rather simple and setup. Although I would have installed a backup battery and an RTC circuit in there to keep the time and date.
I later bought the EdgeHD 800 and even tough it would have been right on or just above the "limit" for the EQM-35 it worked ok.
The process of looking for a heavier replacement had however already started subconsciously.