At a 2:nd hand site I found a hypertuned CGEM mount for a very affordable price. It was the older(not CGEM II) but after looking at the mount and that is sounded alright when slewing I decided it was a good idea.
And it is a good mount. I love the NextStar hand controller, especially the ASPA function for polar alignment is brilliant.
The star alignment is also very good and it felt solid.

Guiding has been a bit of a disappointment tough. phd2 complains about dec backlash allot and it just seems to be mechanically flawed. I did a service during the summer to adjust the worm tension and it did help out, but the majority of the mechanical issues might be further in the mount.
I intend to open her up and get in there at some point, but I want to have a replacement before that since the winter season is coming up.

Not going to have a mount in pieces while the only clear night gets here.

I am so influenced but others at this point, but the CGX is very attractive.

My excuse it that I'll sell the CGEM after service if I get it fixed...